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CSA makes every effort to keep our members informed of any news, events or activities through a variety of channels. We utilize print media, email, blog posts and social media to reach out to you on an ongoing basis. Please select any of the publications listed here that you would like to receive (you are free to unsubscribe at any time):

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CSA is involved in several activities over the course of a year. These events require communications on an as-needed basis. Please let us know if you would like to be notified about any of the specific events listed here:

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CSA utilizes several social media forums to communicate with you. We can be found on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, and Vimeo. We also maintain a blog on this website. Would you like to subscribe to any of our social media?

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3710 Timberline Drive
Denison, IA 51442

712.263.3106 | 888.843.3106 

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